

Troubleshooters: Thornberry Fence case closed

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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Troubleshooters are happy to report another case closed, in a classic example of 'before and after.'

A week ago, the Troubleshooters reported on Adolfo Gutierrez's fence. It had been blown down by recent storms, and hadn't been replaced by previous property management. His next door neighbor, Mary Jo Miller, had called asking for help getting Gutierrez's fence replaced.

83-year-old Gutierrez is disabled and lives alone with his two dogs.

The Troubleshooters contacted Corpus Chris Capital Management Group, who took over ownership of the property a couple months ago. They said they were unaware of the damaged fence, but would get it fixed ASAP.

On Thursday afternoon, Jan. 26, Mr. Gutierrez called to report that management had built him a new fence. Corpus Chris Capital Management also sent pictures. .