CORPUS CHRISTI, TX — The Coastal Bend continues to bathe in warm, humid Gulf air this afternoon, and that trend will persist through the end of the work week. A weak cold front brings slight cooling on Saturday, but the warmth returns early next week. Meanwhile, polar air is set to bring the big chill to South Texas Tuesday and Wednesday. A weak upper level disturbance glides over South Texas Thursday to induce scattered showers, then a cold front brings modest cooling for your Saturday. The cooling is fleeting, however, with onshore flow returning by Saturday night. After fair and warm conditions Sunday and Monday, very cold polar air is poised to sweep into the State Monday night. Driven by a powerful upper level storm system, the front will bring wind, rain, and temperatures in the 40s to the Coastal Bend. Even frozen precipitation is expected over much of West and Northwest Texas Tuesday and early Wednesday. Highs in the 80s will plunge into the 60s and 50s Tuesday and Wednesday here, with lows in the 60s and 70s tumbling to the 40s and 30s.
Continued Mild to Warm through Weekend; Scattered Showers Thursday
Weak Front to Drop Temps Slightly for Saturday

Dale Nelson
Dale Nelson weather
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