CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Our ninth KRIS 6 Hooks Kid Reporter of the 2024 season, Jaythan Sanchez, sat down with Astros' Double-A infielder Jordan Brewer. Sanchez is one of 13 kids selected this summer to interview and get to know a Hooks player at Whataburger Field.
To sign up to be a Kid Reporter, click here. KRIS 6 and the Hooks will select 13 Kid Reporters throughout the season.

Jaythan Sanchez: What's your favorite bubble gum?
Jordan Brewer: So I'm superstitious. When I was at Michigan for college I was chewing Juicy Fruit the original. My dad would actually go online and buy the big boxes. I would go through a whole row every single game because I was very superstitious. I had to have a new piece every inning, so Juicy Fruit the original.
Sanchez: What made you play baseball?
Brewer: I started playing baseball when I was super young. The reason I kept on playing baseball was for my family and my brother. I wanted to show my brother that anything is possible.
Sanchez: Who's your favorite teammate?
Brewer: I would say all of them, but the one that sticks out is Zach Dezenzo because he went to Ohio State and I went to Michigan. I always like to give him a hard time. Really enjoy being around every single one and the coaches.
Sanchez: If you could be an animal what would you be?
Brewer: I think I would want to be a lion because you want to have a heart of a lion. I actually have a tattoo of a lion because it's the king of the jungle. It's the biggest animal. Nastiest animal. What animal would you want to be?
Sanchez: A gecko.
Brewer: Oh so you could blend in with everything. That's a good one.
Sanchez: Who was always helping you when you were struggling playing baseball?
Brewer: My family and my little brother, even though he doesn't play baseball. Everyone has failures in life right, especially in baseball. Seeing him grind every single day, he's trying to play football in college, seeing him do that and knowing that I'm his motivation always helps me keep going.
Sanchez: What's your favorite team?
Brewer: The University of Michigan. Wolverines baby!
Sanchez: Do you remember your first ever home run?
Brewer: I do. I was 8-years-old and I actually didn't know it went over the fence. I just kept running and everybody is like celebrating. I'm like 'what are you guys celebrating?' He goes, 'you hit it over the fence'. I do remember that. I got it framed. I have that one framed at my dad's house, my very first home run. My very first home run in high school, college and pro ball. I've got them all in a case and dated.