

Trouble Shooters: Alice family gets more time to move out of house

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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Garcia family of Alice has called this place in rural Jim Wells County home for some 15 years. And while it's in need of repairs, it is paid off.

A few years ago they took out a reverse mortgage on the property and took out a loan. But then the pandemic hit, and like so many other families, they fell on hard times, and got behind on their property taxes, and now owe approximately $3,000.00.

The company that provided the reverse mortgage told them they had to vacate the premises.

Bobbie Jo Perez, Garcia's daughter, has been speaking for the family.

"My dad and mom have gone through so much. We don't want the house. They can have it. I just want them to be able to find a place they can move to," she said to the Troubleshooters.

On March 21st, the family received this letter from the law firm associated with the lender stating the property was in foreclosure, and gave the family till March 24th - three days - to vacate the place.

Perez says while the family fully intends to out of the house, she insists the mortgage company told the family they had till June 6th to be out, which is why she called the Troubleshooters for help.

"I called you Mr. Liscano, so you could help my parents," she said. "And I'm glad that I called you."

Perez contacted the mortgage company and the law firm handling the March 24th notice to vacate. While they listened to what she had to say, they weren't offering any solutions. So the Troubleshooters joined the conversation with the law firm, and discussed the content of the letter with Michael Zientz, one of the firm's partners.

He acknowledged that, in situations like this, the State of Texas generally allows 30-45 days to vacate before eviction proceedings even begin. So he said the Perez family would not be forced to vacate before eviction proceedings even begin.

Then last Friday, the Troubleshooters called and spoke with Zientz again on March 31, and again he said that the family would have till June 6th.
And then today, Monday, Perez forwarded this letter from Zientz's firm, confirming yet again the June move out date.