

Troubleshooters: Flour Bluff Couple

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The Troubleshooters have been following a story about a disabled couple in Flour Bluff since April.
They paid a contractor to put a new roof on their home in February.
It’s still not done.
So we have new information on this story

Dallas Helms, Charlie Thornton, and their son are finally getting out.
Out of the RV they’ve been living in, in their backyard.      
Out of their house they haven’t lived in since April because, well, this is what it looks like inside.
So on Monday, the Troubleshooters were there as, according to the family, CPS moved them and in to the Salvation Army shelter.
"And they’ve determined you can’t stay in here.  You can’t live like this.  No.  Can’t live like this.  Not even in the motor home," Helms told the Troubleshooters.

Time for a quick history lesson.
The couple hired Pat Ayres and Award Roofing in February.
Paid him nearly $8000.00 to put a new roof on their house and repair the inside.
In April he told the Troubleshooters "the house is full of roaches and rats.  We’re gonna eradicate that.  If anybody wants to help us do that, whether you’re a company or whatever, fine.  Please help these folks.  It breaks my heart."

Now it does appear some progress has been made on the roof. 
But remember, Ayres and his crew were hired in February.
To his credit, he’s put the family up in a hotel, at his house, and in his RV while supposedly working on the house. 
But how long is the family supposed to wait?

"Do you still believe in Pat Ayres?  Not anymore.  No," Thornton told us.
"We gave it to him, and I regret that because now he’s not even helping," Helms told us about giving Ayres nearly $8000.00.  "He’s in South Carolina or South Dakota right now."