

Troubleshooters: Hua Tai

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On today’s Troubleshooters, a local business owner calls with a complaint about another local business owner.
It’s a repeat of a common theme.  The contractor got paid, but hasn’t finished the job.
Generally, cases like this are considered civil cases.  
But Corpus Christi Police tell us they’re investigating because this one has turned into a criminal case.  

Mr and Mrs Lee are mad and sad.
They told us why while standing outside their rental property.
On January 16th, they hired a contractor to make renovations on this house.
They’ve already paid him $19,000.00, but the work is far from done.

"So you paid him $8600.00 down.  That’s the first one.  And then you paid him $5000.00 ?  $5000.00.  Ok.  And then $6000.00.  Separate checks he wanted? 
Right," Mrs Lee told us.
The contract reads $8600 down.  $6000 draw due after a week of start of project.  And a third of labor draw to be given upon start of project.
Labor for the project is $12,000 total. 

The Lee’s say the contractor told them he needed the money to pay his crew and buy merchandise so he could finish the job.
But ever since they paid him, the work has stopped, as has the communication.
So they’ve called the Troubleshooters for help.
"That’s why the reason we want him on tv to warn everybody how bad he is," the Lee’s told us.      
They’ve also contacted CCPD and the DA’s office about Jake Cavazos, the contractor they hired.

Jake Cavazos of JC Constructing and Contracting, who’s been a customer at the Lee’s business.
The same Jake Cavazos who was the subject of a different Troubleshooters report involving Mary Rangel.
And the same Jake Cavazos who the Lee’s say drives this blue Suburban from time to time. 

On March 23rd, the Lee’s sent Cavazos a demand letter.  He didn’t respond.
And that’s where this case went from being civil to criminal.
According to CCPD if a person does not respond to a Demand Letter within the ten day time period, the case becomes criminal.  And the Lee’s case is just one of 3 criminal cases police are investigating involving Jake Cavazos.  

The Lee’s would like their money back.  They do not want Cavazos coming back.  They don’t trust him, but they do say "I don’t want to hear any more.  I want you to give me a deadline.  I want you to finish the job.  That’s what I need.  I don’t want any more excuses." 
We called the number listed for JC Constructing and Contracting several times today.  
We were disconnected one time.
And the voice message says the mailbox is full.   
We’ll keep calling.