

Troubleshooters: Roof Leak

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We have a new Troubleshooters report for you today.
An elderly woman paid a contractor more than $12,000.00 to put a new roof on her home.
It had been damaged by Hurricane Harvey.

Mary Garcia, Dominga Garcia’s daughter, showed us some of the rainwater she says leaked into her mom’s house during Wednesday night’s rain.
"Right here in this area where it rained last night.  You see.  It’s wet," she pointed out to the Troubleshooters.
Garcia believes the rain leaked in thru the ceiling in certain rooms. 
And that’s why she says she contacted us for help.
She feels her elderly mom was taken advantage of. 
"It’s only fair that they do the job correctly, and if it’s leaking, just get it fixed."

Garcia says the roof was damaged by Hurricane Harvey and had to be replaced.
These checks show that last year she paid a contractor named Mungia’s D&D Construction more than $12,000.00 for the new one, that doesn’t leak.
It’s a dad and his daughter according to Garcia.

"Mrs. Garcia, Mary Garcia, is standing right here next to me," we pointed out to Mungia when we got him on the phone.  
"Do you plan, really, on coming back out here and fixing the roof so it doesn’t leak ?  Well here’s the thing, this is the first time I’ve received a call," he responded.
Garcia told us she called us because Mungia wasn’t returning her calls.

But later in our conversation, he agreed to stop by Garcia’s house that afternoon to check the roof. 
"I’m sure as a good contractor that I’m sure you are, you wanna make sure your customers are happy," the Troubleshooters told him.
And he did show up Thursday afternoon.

The Garcia’s say he promised to return the next day, Friday.