We have an update on "Sawyer."
He’s the dog found emaciated in the Petronila area.
He is currently undergoing treatment at the Animal Medical Corpus Christi.
We're told he is doing well.
He's still on I-V fluids, but he's eating and is on antibiotics.
The vet says he's up and moving around and wagging his tail.
Sawyer's story began when someone took a picture of him walking down a road in Petronila and posted it to social media.
Several people searched for him for days.
He was finally found early yesterday morning.
When sawyer recovers he will be fostered and taken to a new home in the Pacific Northwest.
If you would like to help Sawyer on his journey to recovery, you can contact
FurEver United Rescue at 3118 White Bird Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas 78415
To donate log on to their page at https://www.fureverunitedrescue.com/
Or you can call the Animal Medical Corpus Christi at (361) 993-6752