CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Summer Esquivel is a sophomore at TAMU-CC, graduating high school less than 2 years ago. She says financial literacy should be taught more and in a better way in high school.

"I remember right before we graduated senior year they tried to do this day of just learning about that stuff. But we didn’t really learn it. They were just spilling information at us," Esquivel said.
Only 25 states in the US Require a standalone course in personal finance for high school students to graduate. According to next-gen personal finance, Texas is not among those states.

TAMUCC accounting professor, Ginger DeLatte explained why it's critical for students to learn basic money skills as soon as possible.
"The decisions they make now are going to impact their ability to buy a car, buy a
home, retire. Making sure they invest in a 401k early on," DeLatte said.

CCISD is making an effort to help all CCISD junior and high school students by partnering with Rally Credit Union on their third annual finance seminar at Veterans Memorial High School. They will be teaching topics like credit card management, budgeting and more. Rally Credit Union will also be providing ten one-thousand dollar scholarships for those who attend all 5 sessions.
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