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City Manager Peter Zanoni updates Council on cold weather response

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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — At the Council meeting Jan. 28, City Manager Peter Zanoni provided an update on the city's response to the recent cold weather emergency. The cold snap, which saw temperatures drop below freezing for several days, triggered the activation of emergency shelters to provide relief for those in need.

The combined efforts of the temporary shelter at the Corpus Christi Gym and the FEMA Dome at Del Mar College provided refuge for 168 people. The Regional Transit Authority (RTA) offered 500 free rides, and a support staff of 258 city employees served over 1,700 meals at a total cost of $119,841.

City Manager Peter Zanoni updates Council on cold weather response

During public comment, some individuals praised the city's efforts. Tony Reyes, a local resident, commended the response, saying, "You took the time to make sure individuals were warm, were fed, and had transportation."

However, the response was not without its critics. Newly elected District 3 Councilman Eric Cantu made shelter inadequacies one of his first items of business. He pointed out several issues, including residents being denied access to showers, the RTA dropping people off at a nearby high school instead of directly at shelter doors, and the policy barring pets on buses.

In response, city officials explained that cold weather shelters are designed to provide basic needs—food, shelter, and safety—while full-service homeless shelters offer more comprehensive services.

Cantu, however, maintained that the issue is about basic human rights. "Every human deserves better than this, and just because they fell on hard times doesn’t mean we should treat them any differently," Cantu said.

Marlena Garza, owner of Free Store, also shared her concerns. She told KRIS 6 that her team witnessed people covered in their own feces and others walking barefoot in the cold. Garza also criticized being asked to stay outside to distribute supplies instead of being allowed to do so indoors.

"You made us stay outside, on the coldest day and made those without shoes to come outside to get some..." Garza said shaking her head.

Mayor Paulette Guajardo personally addressed Garza’s concerns during the meeting, commending her efforts. "What you do is commendable and It matters," the mayor said. "We want you to be a partner." she added.

While the mayor acknowledged that the response plan was not perfect, she emphasized that the city did what it set out to do—providing immediate refuge during the cold snap.