

Elderly woman claims she’s being terrorized by her neighbor’s dogs, despite leash ordinance

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An elderly and disabled resident here in Alice says she’s tired of having to hide or run into her house everyday because of her neighbors dogs.

“It’s not getting any better instead they’re doing it more they’re doing it worse,” said Lillian Garza. “They just run willy nilly all up and down the street.”

Lillian Garza is disabled and walks with a cane. Getting around is difficult she says, but now because of her neighbors dogs running around loose, she’s also concerned for her and her husband’s safety.

“At least close the gate you know so they won’t bother but they don’t close it,” said Garza.

She says the last time she encountered the dogs; they frightened her as she stepped outside of her front door.

“I was just walking right there to the trash and the dog was standing about 3 foot away and it was just barking and barking and barking so I turned the broom around and I smacked him with it,” said Garza.

“Then she starts yelling at me, she starts cursing at me and she says if there’s anything wrong with that dog I’m going to get you for it.”

“She turned around and told her husband if her black cat comes over here I want you to shoot it with a 22.”

We spoke to Alice Animal Control and they confirmed they’ve had to go out to Garza’s street twice now due to reports of dogs running around loose on that street.

But they say they have not picked up any dogs or issued citations because the dogs have been locked up each time by the time they get there.

We also tried knocking on the neighbor’s doors but the homeowners were not there. The owner of the dogs did call us later; she said her dogs were only let loose for a few minutes every day to use the restroom.