

Troubleshooters: Mary House

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 A woman called us saying the ceilings in both of the bedrooms in her rental house collapsed from all this week’s rain.
She further claims the landlord hasn’t done much about it.  

Luckily nobody got hurt when the ceilings collapsed.
But is the question now is…is the place liveable? 

"Alright.  You’re telling us with the camera rolling and the microphone on, that this just happened over the past couple of days from the rain.  Yes." 

Carolyn pena says she and her mom have lived here on Mary street since last September.  And when it rained earlier this week it really poured inside the house. Ceilings in 2 bedrooms collapsed.

"We had to take everything out of the dresser.  Everything in the dresser got wet.  Where it fell, the water just like…(makes gesture with arm)"

Pena’s lease is with Rene Garcia and Garcia properties.  It’s up in September.

" And did you call the landlord?"

"Yes we did, and he sent a maintenance guy out here.  While it was raining, he put tar on the roof and told me he’d be back in 2 days to fix it."

"Does it appear any work has been done on the roof?" 

Perhaps more concerning to Pena is the well being of her 85-year-old mother.

The Troubleshooters tried contacting Garcia Properties.  We left a message.

"We’re in one of your properties."

" What do you want?"

"Want to get the roof fixed, or at least somewhere we can stay that’s gonna be liveable for me and my mom."