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Cyber Monday is here! The hottest items for holiday gifts

Cyber Monday: Americans expected to spend $13 billion online today

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Shoppers are filling up their online shopping carts to find the best deals for their buck on Cyber Monday.

According to the National Retail Federation, over 166 million people are expected to shop from Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday. With high-interest rates, and inflation, the NRF reports almost 8 million more people are shopping this year compared to last.

Reports show 63.9 million people will shop today for online deals, with over 114 million people shopping on Black Friday.

The organization also found consumers began shopping earlier in the year due to the pandemic. Similar to 2020 and 2021. This year 60% of holiday shoppers started browsing and buying as early as November.

Some of the top reasons people plan to shop are because the deals are too good to pass up, tradition, or because it gives them something to do over the holiday.

Jeanne Leonard said having her family send her links to the items they want makes holiday shopping easier.

“Nia sends me links to things she might like for Christmas. So I can just click on them and shop online for her, she makes it very easy for me," said Leonard.

Lauren Collingsworth said she plans to shop online and not deal with the mass amount of people fighting for great deals. She also told us she’s getting married at the end of next year.

“I’m looking out for like anything decoration wise we are looking into possibly wedding bands for me and my fiancé. So those are the main two and anything on legos," said Collingsworth.

Some of the hottest items this year, the NRF reports for those buying for children, top toys for boys this year include

1. Lego
2. Hot wheels
3. Cars and trucks
4. Playstation
5. Video games

If you cannot find that perfect gift, gift cards remain a favorite gift item, with spending expected to hit $28.6 billion.